Thursday 10 September 2009

Layered Supernova Text

Ever seen those warping space wallpapers? Ever wondered how they are created in photoshop? Well this simple tutorial will provide you with all the information you need! In this tutorial I will show you how to create a background and following on from that how to create supernova textured text.

Here is an example of what you will be creating:


More weaves are created with bigger image sizes


Click on both for bigger images. (These images can be created at any size you want with this method)

Background Section

Step 1,

Create a new document 750×750 or a size that suits you.


Step 2,

Theres a lot of filters in this tutorial so it is very easy to follow.

1. Press “D” to set the pallete colours to black and white, then go to Filter > Render > Clouds

2. Again, go to Filter > Pixelate > Mezzotint.


Now we need to blur the image to create a flying-through-space effect, go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur.


Do this twice to smooth out the lines.


Step 3,

We need to duplicate this layer so right click on the layer and select Duplicate layer. On the second layer go to Filter > Distort > Twirl…


Now select the original layer and go to Filter > Distort > Twirl


Step 4,

At the moment we can’t see the original layer so change the blending mode of the duplicated layer to Lighten


Now both layers should be inter-weaving, time to colour it. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation. Do this twice, move the layers so one adjustment layer is above the other supernova layer like this:


Right click on each adjustment layer and select Create Clipping Mask.



Step 5,

At the moment you’re image should look a little something like this:


Thats the end of the background section, any questions just comment!

Text Section

Step 6,

Select all the layers by shift-clicking the top and bottom layers. Right click on a layer and select Merge All. You should have all the previous tutorial in one layer now.

Step 7,

Create a new layer and select the text tool. Make sure the text is white and quite big and bold. Once you’ve typed in your text, exit the Type Tool mode and CTRL + Click the thumbnail of the text layer. This will create a selection of everything in the layer. Right click on the selection with the Marquee Tool (M) and select Feather. For a size of 2000 pixels you will need about 15 and for 750 about 5. I used 5.

Now click on the supernova layer and click the little button on the Layers Panel to mask it.


The image may look bad at the moment but create a new layer and fill it in with black. Move this layer to the bottom and move the Text layer underneath the masked layer. Now it should look good!


Step 8,

Create a new layer and CTRL + Click the text picture box again to get the selection of the text, then set the colour to white and grab the rectangle tool. Drag a rectangle around half of the text like so:


After that set the layer opacity to 35%.

Step 9,

Merge all the layers except the black background and duplicate the layer.


Select the duplicated layer and press SHIFT + T to free transform the layer. Right click on the selection and press Flip Vertical. Now bring down the text so it has a few pixels of space between the text.


Set the layer opacity to 70% and simply rub out the bottom part of the text with the eraser tool. Hold shift to keep the brush straight. Make sure the brush is quite big and has a hardness of 0.


Any questions? Just comment.


source from : webmediamagazine

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