Thursday 10 September 2009

Develop a Useful Font Picker App with ActionScript 3.0

Step 1: Brief Overview

We're going to create an interface using Components and the Flash Tools. You'll be able to choose any font installed in your system using the List Component and change the Background or Font color using the Color Picker Component. The interface also has some tweens which are handled by the built-in Tween Class but you can use whatever you prefer, like TweenLite.

Step 2: Fla Properties

Open Flash and create a new Flash File (ActionScript 3).

Set the stage size to your desired dimensions. I've used 600 x 300px.

Step 3: Creating the Backgrounds

Select the Rectangle Tool and draw 2 rectangles, the sizes are 600 x 40px and 600 x 20px and the color is #202020. Align the first one in the top-center and the other one in the bottom-center.

Create another rectangle to use as the background color, you'll be able to change this color using the Color Picker Component at runtime. This is 600 x 240px and the color is #EFEFEF.

Convert it to MovieClip and set its instance name to "bg".

Step 4: Adding the Input Text

The next item will contain the word or words that the user will be able to change.

Create an InputText of 580 x 80px, choose a size and a common font to show as default, like Arial 50px. Name the TextField "txt" and center it to the stage.

Step 5: Color Pickers

To change the color of the Background and the InputText we'll use the Color Picker component. Open the Components Panel (Window > Components) and drag a ColorPicker component to the stage. Duplicate it (Cmd + D) and position them. Add some text to indicate which one is for the Background and which is for the font.

Step 6: Creating a Fonts Menu

In order to display the installed fonts we'll use a List Component. This component will get its data from an Array that we'll create later.

We'll display the List Component in a Panel using a Tween, so let's start by making that panel.

Create a 300 x 150px rectangle and fill it with #DFDFDF. Drag a List Component from the Components Panel, resize it to 280 x 120px and center it.

We'll also need a Button to hide that window, so begin by selecting the Oval Tool and drawing a 20 x 20px circle. Fill it white and go to Edit > Duplicate. Resize the second to 16 x 16px and use a black fill. Then draw a little "x" in the center to tell the user that it will close the actual panel.

Name the button "closeBtn", the component "fontList", convert all to a MovieClip, name it "fontsMenu" and position the panel at x: -160, y: 115.

Step 7: Showing the Fonts Menu

We'll use a button on the stage to show the menu.

Create a button, name it "infobutton" and place it at the bottom-right of the stage.

Step 8: Main Class

In this application we're going to use a single class that will take care of all the elements in the stage, animations and color.

Create a new ActionScript file and save it as in your classes folder.

Step 9: Importing the Necessary Classes

Create a new ActionScript file and import the necessary classes:

  1. package
  2. {

  3. import flash.display.Sprite;
  4. import flash.text.TextFormat;
  5. import fl.transitions.Tween;
  6. import fl.transitions.easing.Elastic;
  7. import flash.text.Font;
  8. import;
  9. import;
  10. import;
  11. import;
  12. import;
  13. import flash.geom.ColorTransform;

Step 10: Extending the Class

  1. public class Main extends Sprite
  2. {

Altough we're using MovieClips, we extend the class using Sprite because the MovieClips on stage are not using a Timeline; therefore they're treated as Sprites.

Step 11: Variables

  1. private var systemFonts:Array = new Array(); //Will store all the system fonts
  2. private var fontNames:Array = new Array(); //Will store all the system fonts as Strings
  3. private var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); //Textformat of the TextInput
  4. private var tween:Tween; //Tween object

These are all the variables we'll use.

Step 12: Constructor

  1. public function Main()
  2. {
  3. showColorPicker(false);
  4. loadFonts();
  5. addListeners();
  6. }

This is the constructor function, it calls the starting functions.

Step 13: Hide Elements

  1. private function showColorPicker(val:Boolean):void
  2. {
  3. bgColorText.visible = val;
  4. fontColorText.visible = val;
  5. bgColorPicker.visible = val;
  6. fontColorPicker.visible = val;
  7. }

With this function we only need to specify a parameter to show or hide the color picker text and components.

Step 14: Loading System Fonts

  1. private function loadFonts():void
  2. {
  3. systemFonts = Font.enumerateFonts(true); //Returna an array of the installed fonts
  4. systemFonts.sortOn("fontName"); //Sorts the font by name
  5. /* Convert the Fonts Objects to Strings */
  6. for (var i:int = 0; i <>
  7. {
  8. fontNames.push(systemFonts[i].fontName);
  9. }

  10. /* Set List data */
  11. fontsMenu.fontsList.dataProvider = new DataProvider(fontNames);
  12. }

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