Monday, 7 September 2009

Create a Cool 3D Smashed-Looking Text

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create the image above..

The things you’ll need are Adobe Illustrator and Autodesk 3ds Max..

1 - So let’s start: open up Illustrator, create a new Web Document and choose any dimension you want.. i’m going with a 1000px square image.. Now, with the Type Tool (press T), write any text you want, but not too much.. I’ve chosen “I MAKE THIS T-SHIRT LOOK GOOD” so that it could be printed on a t-shirt.. I want the text to be in a rather square layout… So, i’ve wrote each line of text in a single layer that i can edit freely.. Choose any font you want, but i recomend a strong bold one.. I used the Century Gothic, bold…

2 - Well, we now have the text, but i’m still not happy with the font’s width.. So, let’s add some thickness to the letters.. With all the layers and the text selected press Ctrl-Shift-O (which will transform all the text in paths that can be editable).. Now, to increase the thickness of the letters go to the Object menu and in there, Path, and then Offset Path.. In the options, activate the Preview option and change the Offset value until you’re happy with the letters.. i’ve chosen 3 px.. but it depends on the font size you currently have.. Be careful not to lose some of the letters’s details when the font is too thick.. Now just press Ok.. Making this created duplicated paths of all the letters but thicker.. so, actually, you now have two of each path.. Just open the Direct Selection Tool (A) and drag one of the inner paths out and you’ll see there are two.. press Ctrl-Z to undo that and go on to the next step.. we’ll take care of the “clones” later..

3 - We now have to bring the letters more close together.. just drag all of them together.. and then select them all with the Selection Tool (V) and press the Horizontal Align Center button in the bar above the image.. So, if we look at the image, we’ll see that it looks poor and lacks style.. To correct that, we’re going to change the size of some of the lines of text to add some dynamic.. I’ve scaled down the “THIS T-SHIRT” and increased both the “I MAKE” and the “GOOD” parts.. Hold down the Shift and Alt keys while resizing so that the image stays in its place while resizing.. Also hold the Shift key after you started moving some of the text so that it only moves in a perfect line… Look at my image to see how i’ve arranged the text.. In the next step, we’re going to merge all the text into the same layer, so, if you think that your image needs any change, this is a good time to change it..

4 - To merge all the paths into one, we first have to merge all the layers.. To do that, select all the layers and press the button i show on the screenshot and select Merge Selected.. Now we have to join all the paths.. so, with the Selection Tool (V), select all the paths and press Ctrl-Shift-F9 to show the Pathfinder window and in there press the Add to Shape Area and then the Expand button.. ok..

5 - Now we’re going to create all the broken parts in the text.. To do this, lets first place the text shape in the center of the image so that it can be more easily manipulated later, to do this, just select it with the Selection Tool (V) and press Ctrl-C and then Ctrl-V to copy it and then paste it.. the new shape that was created is rigth in the center of the image so just select and delete the other one.. Now.. tricky bit.. open up the Pen Tool (P) and draw a triangle like the one on my screenshot above.. Then select both the triangle and the text and Copy them (Ctrl-C) and Paste them (Ctrl-V) to duplicate them.. Still with the new two shapes selected, go to the Pathfinder window and click on the Intersect Shape Areas and then in the Expand.. This will create a shape that is only the intersection of the text and the triangle.. now, select the text shape and the other triangle and in the Pathfinder window press the Subtract From Shape Area end the Expand.. ok.. This created the layer of text except the triangle part.. Now just select the intersection part and make it smaller and rotate it a bit and place it like its a glass shard exploding away from the rest of the glass.. like in my picture.. Select the two shapes and press the Add to Shape Area so that they become the same again.. Ok, now that you know how to do this, repeat it some more times around the text to make it look like it exploded or something like that.. To sum up: create the triangle, select both, duplicate, intersect and expand, select the other two, subtract and expand, resize and rotate and move, select both and add them together.. ok..

6 - Now starts the 3d part… Open up 3ds Max.. and while it loads all its stuff, go to Illustrator again and with the shape ready, all the parts added toguether, got to the File menu and Save As.. select where you want to save the file and its name and keep the file type as .AI, now a window opened and in there select Illustrator 8 as the version.. Press ok and accept all the following messages.. Thats it for this step…

7 - 3ds Max must already be open by now, so, open it and in the File menu, select Import, and in the new window, select the file type .AI and go to the place where you saved the Illustrator file and open it.. Press Ok in the two dialogs that follow and now you have our shape in 3ds Max.. With the Rotate Tool, rotate the shape according to the X coordinate 90º so that it stands up perpendicular to the floor.. Now right-click on the shape and press Convert To and then Editable Poly.. Now, in the Modify Panel, select Polygon (the red square) and press Ctrl-A to select all the polygons in the shape.. Still in the Modify panel, find the Edit Polygons section and in there press the black square beside the Extrude button, and in the dialog box insert 10 or more and press Ok..

8 - We’re now going to make the object smoother by adding to it a modifier.. Press Ctrl-A to select all the polygons and in the Modifier List select Smooth, and in its options, activate the Auto Smooth and the Prevent Indirect Smoothing.. Now, let’s change the material to a grey one.. Open up the Materials window by pressing M and in there select any of the spheres and press the button that says Assign Material to Selection and close the materials window..

9 - Let’s set up the render.. Press F10 to open up the Render Setup window and in the Common panel, go to the Output Size section and change the render size to a bigger one, like 1600 for 1200 (see my image).. You can now close the Render Setup window..

10 - Well, the image doesn’t look that interesting, so, we’re going so spice up the camera view a little… To do that, change the view into a 3/4 side view like in my image.. and continue in the next step..

11 - Now, lets increase the Field of View.. Select the Field of View tool and click in the window and drag the mouse down so that our object looks like it is a bit far from us.. You can exagerate a little.. Now the object is far away, so, with the Zoom tool zoom it in closer and you’ll see the effect of the Field of View.. The perspective is a little distorted.. Try to place the camera like in my image..

12 - We have to save the current view, so that we can get back to it later, so, in the Views menu, select Save Active Perspective View.. and now press F9 to start the rendering process.. when it finishes, save the image as a PNG file.. In the Window that shows up, use this settings: RGB 24bit and Alpha Channel.. close the rendering window and lets get back to our 3d object..

13 - We want to select all of the front polygons of the object, without the extrusion.. Only the original faces.. So, rotate the object until you can see its side and select all the back of the object until approximately half the length of the object and press Delete.. Now you just have your front faces… Go to the Views menu again and press the Restore Active Perspective View and press F9 again and save the new image with the same settings but different name (obviously).. You can now close 3ds Max (save if you want) and lets get back to Illustrator.

14 - In Illustrator, create a new 2000×2000px image and drag the two renderings into this image.. Select the one with the all the object with the Selection Tool (V) and go to the menu Object, select Live Trace and select Make and then Expand.. Now, with the Direct Selection Tool (A) click on the black path inside the traced image, copy it (Ctrl-C) and paste it (Ctrl-V) and again with the Selection Tool (V) select the traced image and delete it.. Now for the other image.. Do all you did for the previous one, except the part when you select it and copy, because in this image you have lots of paths and not just one, so, with the Direct Selection Tool (A), select the points in the corners of the image and delete them.. Now select the whole shape and press Shift-F6 to open the Appearance window.. and in there, double click on the Fill and set it to white.. You have now 2 paths.. Place the white approximately in the right place relatively to the black one.. But the black is too small, so, in the Appearance window double click on the stroke and set it to black, Press Ctrl-F10 to show the stroke window and increase it until you like..

Now just save the image and use it wherever you want.. This was my result:

If you’re a perfectionist, you can change the rendering size in the 3ds Max to something like 6000×6000px, which will give out a muck bigger image for the Live Trace to interpret.. So the results will be much better, even though everything will be much slower.. Here’s an image i made earlier with large resolutions, notice all the perfect details…

So, i hope this was somehow helpful =D

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